School uniforms would absolutely be a great idea. Us, students wouldn't have to be worrying each morning what we are going to wear. It would be easier for parents too. School uniforms would help alot because we would be wasting alot in cloths. They would make all students of the schools equal. No more punks, cholos, wannabes, nothing like that. That's my opinion.

Spagghetti and meatballs is my favorite food. Well Italian food can be said what i love to eat the most but my favorite plate is spagghetti and meatballs. Everytime i have the chance to go or choose a place to eat i'll choose a place where i can find a nice spaagghetti and meatballs bowl.

This can be said to be my favorite T.V. show because I watch it every time I can.(when I dont work) These program is really funny & I even have some of the seasons and the movie that I collect.